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  • 威廉布雷克


    电磁阀 威廉·布莱克是十九世纪英国浪漫派诗人,主要诗作有诗集《天真之歌》、《经验之歌》等。

    早期作品简洁明快,中后期作品趋向玄妙晦涩,充满神秘色彩。 威廉·布莱克(William Blake)的一生极其简单,也没有什么大书特写之处,只有一些一直延续的简单事实和紧迫的艺术创作活动。





    龙在西方视为恶,这是众所周知的,但是在William Blake成于1805年的the great red gragon and the women clothed with the sun中可以被看做是蜕变的象征:红龙将天上的星星扯下,将象征光明的女人打倒,标志着光明的陨落,黑暗的蜕变将主宰世界。

    有人推测这与拿破仑有关,五颗六芒星分别代表曾经反法同盟中的六个从属同盟国,六芒星又象征生殖或召唤邪恶,所以在William Blake看来,拿破仑可以说是一位恶魔,太阳和月亮分别代表神圣罗马帝国和普鲁士,尾巴缠绕代表最后的征服,女人的祈祷更像是凌辱前的求饶。而在电影红龙中则是生殖厌恶,Francis Dolarhyde幼时受祖母虐待,因为尿床而遭到性恐吓使其留下了和《沉默的羔羊》中“水牛比尔”一样的蜕变心理,但是他并不是想蜕变为女性,而是引导蜕变,以至于他的行为开始模仿画作,纹身,先凌辱后杀戮,制作“画作的观看者”,最终,盲人Reba McClane使他自行构建的世界观破灭:他没有征服她但是她用一双盲眼看到了内心底善良的他。



    TIGER,tiger,burning bright In the forests of the night,What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry?In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thine eyes?On what wings dare he aspire?What the hand dare seize the fire?And what shoulder and what art Could twist the sinews of thy heart?And when thy heart began to beat,What dread hand and what dread feet?What the hammer?what the chain?In what furnace was thy brain?What the anvil?What dread grasp Dare its deadly terrors clasp?When the stars threw down their spears,And water'd heaven with their tears,Did He smile His work to see?Did He who made the lamb make thee?Tiger,tiger,burning bright In the forests of the night,What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?虎,虎,于黑夜的林木明亮如火团锦簇 是怎样的天工或神目 成就你惊人的雄姿?在多远的深渊或穹苍点燃 你双眼的烈焰?他挥动的是怎样的翅翼?捕捉火舌的是怎样的手指?用怎样的臂力和巧妙 把你的心脏打造?当你的心脏开始跳动 他有怎样的从容?是怎样的锤?是怎样的锁链?在怎样的熔炉里把你的脑筋锻炼?用怎样的铁砧?用怎样的掌力 紧紧握住这个致命的危机?当星辰纷纷把长矛抛纵 而且用泪水洒满天篷 他是否看着自己的作品微笑?他是否创制了你又创制羊羔?虎,虎,于黑夜的林木 明亮如火团锦簇 是怎样的天工或神目 成就你惊人的雄姿?。

    四、有关威廉姆 布雷克的相关资料(英文版),急需

    William Blake started writing poems as a boy, many of them inspired by religious visions. Apprenticed to an engraver as a young man, Blake learned skills that allowed him to put his poems and drawings together on etchings, and he began to publish his own work. Throughout his life he survived on small commissions, never gaining much attention from the London art world. His paintings were rejected by the public (he was called a "lunatic" for his imaginative work), but he had a profound influence on Romanticism as a literary movement.。


    William Blake started writing poems as a boy, many of them inspired by religious visions。

    Apprenticed to an engraver as a young man, Blake learned skills that allowed him to put his poems and drawings together on etchings, and he began to publish his own work。 Throughout his life he survived on small commissions, never gaining much attention from the London art world。

    His paintings were rejected by the public (he was called a "lunatic" for his imaginative work), but he had a profound influence on Romanticism as a literary movement。

    六、有关威廉姆 布雷克的相关资料(英文版),急需

    William Blake started writing poems as a boy, many of them inspired by religious visions. Apprenticed to an engraver as a young man, Blake learned skills that allowed him to put his poems and drawings together on etchings, and he began to publish his own work. Throughout his life he survived on small commissions, never gaining much attention from the London art world. His paintings were rejected by the public (he was called a "lunatic" for his imaginative work), but he had a profound influence on Romanticism as a literary movement。


