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  • 断背山经典台词



    经典中的经典: 1.I wish I knew how to quit you! 这个,不用我多说了吧 2.Jack, I swear。

    Ennis 到底要发什么誓?你要是想得太实就没有意思了 3.If you can't fix it,you gotta stand it. 原著中最后一句话,电影中由Ennis亲口说出 4.--Jack fuckin twist --son of a bitch! 5。Jack nasty! 据说michelle的这一句台词成了Jake在片场的外号。

    前5甲的经典列完了,以下是按照时间顺序排列的 1.Aguirre --No。No!。

    Not on your fuckin' life! 2.Jack & Ennis --Jack Twist --Ennis --Your folks just stop at Ennis? --。Del Mar 3.Jack --No more beans 4.Ennis --We're sick of beans 5.Jack&Ennis --Oooohui-yah! --Was gettin' tired a you missin' --Let's move on. Can't let the forest service catch us with no elk 6.Ennis&Jack --。

    What? --Friend,that's more words than you've spoke in the past tow weeks --That's more than I 've spoke in a year 7.Jack&Ennis --I don't know.I don't know what the Pentecost is。 I guess it's when the world ends and fellas like you and me march up to hell --You speak to yourself,You may be a sinner,but i ain't yet had the opportunity 8.Jack -- See you for supper 9.Ennis&Jack --It's one shot thing we got goin' here --It's nobody's business but ours --You know I'm not no queer --Me neither 10.Jack --it's all right,it's all right。

    11.Ennis&Jack --Can't believe I left my damn shirt up here --。yes? Jack明显心虚 12.Lureen --What are you waiting for, cowboy。

    A mating call? 13.Ennis&Jack --Jack fuckin' Twist! --Son of a bitch! 14.Alma&Ennis --Why not your friend come inside to have a cup of coffee? --Ah..he is from Texas --Texas don't drink coffee? 15.Ennis --If you can't fix it,you gotta stand it. 16.Alma --。Jack Twist..Jack Nasty! You and him.. 17.Lurren&Jack --。

    husbands don't never seem dance with their wives What do you think that is,Jack? --Ain't never give it a thought。(to lashawn)wanna dance? 18.Alma.Jr --Maybe,he is not the marrying kind。

    知父莫若女 19.Jack --I wish I knew how to quit you! 20.Cassie --Girls don't fall in love for fun! 个人不赞同 21.Jack's mother --You come back and see us again 慈爱的妈妈啊 22.Ennis&Alma Jr. --this kert fella,he loves you? --yeh,dad,he loves me 这一部爱情片中唯一出现“爱”字的地方 23.Ennis --Jack, I swear。


    1.Jack Twist:(stop smiling)Tell you what。

    The truth is。

    (breathing hurrily)Sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it. 杰克.特维斯特:(收敛笑容)告诉你吧… 事实上…… (呼吸急促)有时候我好想你,想到无法承受。 2. Ennis Del Mar: I'm gonna tell you this one time, Jack fuckin' Twist, an' I ain't foolin'. What I don't know - all them things I don't know - could get you killed if I come to know them. I mean it. 恩尼斯·德尔玛:我只说一遍,狗娘养的杰克·特维斯特。


    我说到做到。 Jack Twist: Yeah well try this one, and I'll say it just once! 杰克·特维斯特:好,那你也给我听着,我只说这么一次! Ennis Del Mar: Go ahead! 恩尼斯·德尔玛:说啊! Jack Twist: Tell you what, we coulda had a good life together! Fuckin' real good life! Had us a place of our own. But you didn't want it, Ennis! So what we got now is Brokeback Mountain! Everything's built on that! That's all we got, boy, fuckin' all. So I hope you know that, even if you don't never know the rest! You count the damn few times we have been together in nearly twenty years and you measure the short fucking leash you keep me on - and then you ask me about Mexico and tell me you'll kill me for needing somethin' I don't hardly never get. You have no idea how bad it gets! I'm not you。

    I can't make it on a coupla high-altitude fucks once or twice a year! You are too much for me Ennis, you son of a whore son bitch! I wish I knew how to quit you! 杰克·特维斯特:我告诉你,我们本来可以很美满地在一起!真正的他妈的美满生活!我们本来可以有一个只属于我们俩的地方。但你不想要,恩尼斯!所以现在我们就只能在断背山上见面!这就是所有的一切,这就是我们所得到的,操他妈的。


    Ennis Del Mar: [crying] Well, why don't you? Why don't you just let me be? It's because of you that I'm like this! I ain't got nothing。 I ain't nowhere。

    Get the fuck off me! I can't stand being like this no more, Jack. 恩尼斯·德尔玛:(哭泣)好啊,走啊?干嘛不让我一个人呆着呢?正是因为你我才是现在的这个样子!我一无所有……无处可去……你他妈滚远点!杰克,我受够了! 另一版本: 恩尼斯:这话我只跟你说一遍,狗日的杰克。我可不是说着玩的。

    我不知道,那些人干的那些勾当,我不知道……但如果我知道你干过,我就宰了你。 杰克:那你也听好了……(停顿)我也只说一次。

    恩尼斯:你说! 杰克:我告诉你。咱俩本可以好好过日子。








    (停顿)我受够你了,恩尼斯。你这没心没肺的混蛋!(停顿)我真希望自己知道怎样来戒掉你! 我们现在看到镜头拉回的场面。

    就像冬天的温泉蒸腾起来俄水气,这么多年未曾提起的,当前无法言表的——允诺,誓言,羞愧,罪恶,恐惧——此刻都萦绕在他们心头。 恩尼斯站立德样子仿佛胸口中了弹——脸色苍白,皱纹齐聚。

    他就像在打一场无声的战斗,面部表情都扭曲了。 恩尼斯:那你为什么没有?!你干嘛不放过我?就是因为你,我才落到现在这般光景。

    一无是处,一无所有。 杰克向他靠过去,但是恩尼斯挣开了。

    恩尼斯(继续):别他妈碰我! 杰克再次靠近他,这次恩尼斯没有拒绝回避。 杰克:过来……我不说了。

    没事了……你真混,恩尼斯。 3.Ennis Del Mar: Jack,I swear. 恩尼斯德尔玛:杰克,我发誓。



    1.I wish I knew how to quit you! 这个,不用我多说了吧 2.Jack, I swear。

    Ennis 到底要发什么誓?你要是想得太实就没有意思了 3.If you can't fix it,you gotta stand it. 原著中最后一句话,电影中由Ennis亲口说出 4.--Jack fuckin twist --son of a bitch! 5。Jack nasty! 据说michelle的这一句台词成了Jake在片场的外号。


    1.I wish I knew how to quit you!


    2.Jack, I swear。

    Ennis 到底要发什么誓?你要是想得太实就没有意思了

    3.If you can't fix it,you gotta stand it.


    4.--Jack fuckin twist

    --son of a bitch!

    5。Jack nasty!


    五、断臂山经典对白I wish I knew how to quit you

    这是电影《断臂山》的台词,杰克在断背山对欧内斯特说的那句情话:I wish I knew how to quit you. 感人至极。 在美国早已成为最为人们传颂的经典台词。这句话翻译成中文“我想知道我如何戒掉你”就韵味全无,或者也可以说但愿我能。。但怎么翻译都体现不出原句的精神。懂英文的都应该能意会。


    1、首先,这句话拿来对MM说,绝对一个个手到擒来。 比 It's hard to leave you. 感人指数要高出十倍不止。

    2、当你电脑死机,无论如何也无法退出窗口的时候,你可以深情款款地对电脑说:I wish I know how to quit you.

    3、当你被MM逼迫戒烟,对你下最后通牒“cigarette or me?”的时候,你只好含情脉脉地对着香烟说:I wish I know how to quit you.

    4、当你在硕大无朋的商场里内急找toilet,上穷碧落下穷泉,问谁谁不知道,你就会想起这句话: I wish I know how to quit you.

    5、当你因年少无知或者别有用心加入斧头帮之类的黑社会,后来因为智商达到一定程度或者良心发现想退出的时候,发现帮规不允许你退出,你就想知道:I wish I know how to quit you.




