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  • 韦德名言


    1、“An athlete needs to read situations before they happen.”


    2、“You've got to respect the game and you've got to respect what the people that have played have done for the game.”


    3、“Just like they say shooting will become easy if you just keep working at it, well, I love the game that brings excitement.”


    4、“I've stuck by being modest, honest , because I think we all want to be appreciated in this world.”


    5、“When I got my first check I was thinking my mother and father didn't make this. It's real amazing that we are just blessed.”


    6、“I got known worldwide in a short period of time just because Shaq said so many nice things about me.”


    7、“Being a leader is one thing I've never felt comfortable with. It's not my nature.”


    8、“I'm a competitor.”


    9、People are still trying to figure out who I am. Most people just say I play the game the right way.”


    10、“My will is to always be better and better and better. I've got the will to want to be the best.”



    德怀恩·韦德从小生长于芝加哥的贫民区之中。他年纪还很小时父母亲就已经离异,随着父亲和继母一起住,韦德仍然和姊姊崔吉儿(Tragil Wade)拥有很好的关系。

    因为韦德生长在芝加哥因此非常崇拜芝加哥公牛队的篮球巨星迈克尔·乔丹。韦德的名字(first name)“Dwyane”是写错的,韦德曾解释是当年祖母在报户口的时候把韦德父亲的名给拼错所以继续用在韦德身上。



    1、“An athlete needs to read situations before they happen.” “运动员需要在情况发生之前了解情况。”

    2、“You've got to respect the game and you've got to respect what the people that have played have done for the game.” “你必须尊重比赛,你必须尊重比赛中所做的一切。” 3、“Just like they say shooting will become easy if you just keep working at it, well, I love the game that brings excitement.” 就像他们说的那样,如果你继续努力,进球就会变得容易,我喜欢能给比赛带来刺激的运球比赛。”

    4、“I've stuck by being modest, honest , because I think we all want to be appreciated in this world.” “我一直坚持谦虚、诚实和谦虚,因为我认为这样你会得到更多的感激,我们都希望在这个世界上得到感激。” 5、“When I got my first check I was thinking my mother and father didn't make this. It's real amazing that we are just blessed.” “当我拿到第一张支票的时候,我想我的父母可能在他们有生之年没能办到。

    我们中的一些人真的很幸运。” 6、“I got known worldwide in a short period of time just because Shaq said so many nice things about me.” “我在短时间内就在全世界闻名,因为沙克说了很多关于我的好话。”

    7、“Being a leader is one thing I've never felt comfortable with. It's not my nature.” “做一个领导者是我从未感到舒服的一件事。这不是我的天性。”

    8、“I'm a competitor.” “我是一个竞争者。” 9、People are still trying to figure out who I am. Most people just say I play the game the right way.” “人们仍在努力弄清我是谁。

    大多数人都说我玩得对。” 10、“My will is to always be better and better and better. I've got the will to want to be the best.” “我的意愿是永远做得越来越好。

    我有意愿成为最好的。” 扩展资料: 德怀恩·韦德从小生长于芝加哥的贫民区之中。

    他年纪还很小时父母亲就已经离异,随着父亲和继母一起住,韦德仍然和姊姊崔吉儿(Tragil Wade)拥有很好的关系。 因为韦德生长在芝加哥因此非常崇拜芝加哥公牛队的篮球巨星迈克尔·乔丹。

    韦德的名字(first name)“Dwyane”是写错的,韦德曾解释是当年祖母在报户口的时候把韦德父亲的名给拼错所以继续用在韦德身上。 参考资料来源:百度百科——德怀恩·韦德。


    德韦恩·韦德,1982年1月17日生于伊利诺伊州的芝加哥,1991年,随父亲搬到了芝加哥。美国职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫,现效力的球队是迈阿密热火。他的外号是"Flash"和"D-Wade",在中国被称之为“闪电侠”。 中文名:德韦恩·韦德外文名:Dwyane Wade国籍:美国1.“我们不可阻挡,耶!”

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