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    造句 "如饥似渴"

    如饥似渴造句 她如饥似渴地读那本新侦探小说。

    She devoured the new detective story. 上帝想要我们对他的话语如饥似渴。 God intends for us to have an appetite for His Word. 说中国对各种资源如饥似渴绝非夸张。

    THERE is no exaggerating China's hunger for commodities. 吉姆如饥似渴地学习代数。 Jim is eating up the course in algebra. 他如饥似渴地读着报纸。

    He read throught the newspaper thirstily. 在中国大陆,观众对创意音乐的喜爱则如饥似渴。 In the mainland, it seems that people are hungry for it. 那些成千上万如饥似渴寻找正义的人是我们的联盟。

    Our allies are the millions who hunger and thirst after righteousness. 它对知识如饥似渴,可有时它所学到的东西更像人类。 It has a hunger for learning, but sometimes the lessons it learns sounds more human. 三天以来,汤姆深切关注着法官的病情,如饥似渴等着消息。

    During three days Tom was deeply concerned about the Judge's condition and hungry for news of it. 你也可以选择使自己快速成长,如饥似渴地享用生活提供的一切。 Or you can choose to accelerate your growth and intentionally devour life and it offers. 他如饥似渴地读书、欣赏艺术和音乐,信中到处可见其文化观点。

    He devoured books, art and music, and these letters are filled with his cultural opinions. 我觉得埃尔莎总在如饥似渴地望着我,犹如看着早饭桌上剩下的食物。 It seems to me that Elsa looks at me rather wistfully. Something left over from the breakfast table. 所以为什么现在的文化产业工作者比以前更如饥似渴地想去纽约生活? So why, more than ever, do people in the culture industry all want to live in New York? 这个小伙子在厨房里如饥似渴地读着他能弄到的关于这个作者的一切书。

    The boy devoured the books he could get about the author in the kitchen. 觉得枯燥而学来的知识是无用的。而如饥似渴学来的知识将是永久的财富。

    Knowledge which is felt to be boring is of little use. But Knowledge which is assimilated eargly becomes a permanent possession. 青年人热烈的求知欲望和好高务远的尽头,管她懂不懂,她还是如饥似渴地读下去。 Her youthful carving for knowledge, her aspiring spirit made her read on eagerly whether she understood or not. 经过一番酝酿和等待,哈利·波特迷们如饥似渴地读着这关于魔法男孩系列的最后一本。

    After all the build-up, the waiting, Harry Potter fans are devouring the last book in the series about the boy wizard. 他们从三年级到高中,做过许多工作,承担过各种责任,并且从早年就如饥似渴地读书。 They had many different jobs or responsibilities from the time they were in the third grade through high school, and they were all avid readers from an early age. 有些天太阳出来了,我走下那条被人来回踏了许多遍的小径,一边如饥似渴地思念着她。

    There are days, nevertheless, when the sun is out and I get off the beaten path and think about her hungrily. 除此之外尤其重要的还有对自然资源的消耗。人们如饥似渴地敛夺原料制成商品换回利益。

    Moreover, corporations are, above all, consumers of natural resources, ever hungry for raw materials that can be manufactured into products and profits. 人类甚至对神不敬,说神也有类似的欲望;在他们的想象中,神对赞扬之声,也是如饥似渴。 Mankind have even comimitted the impiety of attributing similar desires to the deity, whom they imagine avid for continual praise. 这不是很简单的事,因为这个对能源如饥似渴的国家对伊朗的石油和天然气有着浓厚的兴趣。

    Das war nicht ganz einfach, da das energiehungrige Land großes Interesse an Öl und Gas aus Iran hat. 没有研究生是不愿意学习新知识的。对待知识,学生都如饥似渴,交给的任务都会尽力做到最好。

    Every graduate student is willing to obtain new knowledge so they all try their best to complete the tasks well. 然而,有的公司靠衍生品来减低大宗商品的价格,利率,或汇率大幅波动的影响,这些公司对这些衍生品是如饥似渴却又求之不得。 Yet firms that rely on derivatives to limit their exposure to swings in commodity prices, interest rates or exchange rates cannot get enough of them—literally.。





    ◎ 自幼喜爱沪剧的陈苏萍更是如鱼得水,如饥似渴吸取他们的精华。◎ 粉彩山水迄今已有近三百年的历史,如今的陶瓷美术工作者,乘改革开放的东风,如饥似渴的学习多种绘画艺术,包括外来的艺术表现形式。

    ◎ 那时的我,真是一个如饥似渴的孩子,四季风光和任何一张可以找到的画片都会被我毫不保留地"吃"下去,滋养着日渐长大的身心。◎ 据周诶松先生回忆,"他的收入,大部分用在购买图书上,每日绝早起床,深夜眠,如饥似渴地攻读。

    ◎ 不是一般的爱好,而要爱到如饥似渴,废寝忘食,如醉如痴,梦寐以求的地步。

