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  • 英文介绍中国唐诗


    Poetry is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning. Poetry may be written independently, as discrete poems, or may occur in conjunction with other arts, as in poetic drama, hymns or lyrics. Poetry, and discussions of it, have a long history. Early attempts to define poetry, such as Aristotle's Poetics, focused on the uses of speech in rhetoric, drama, song and comedy. Later attempts concentrated on features such as repetition, verse form and rhyme, and emphasized the aesthetics which distinguish poetry from prose. From the mid-20th century, poetry has sometimes been more loosely defined as a fundamental creative act using language. Poetry often uses particular forms and conventions to suggest alternative meanings in the words, or to evoke emotional or sensual responses. Devices such as assonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia and rhythm are sometimes used to achieve musical or incantatory effects. The use of ambiguity, symbolism, irony and other stylistic elements of poetic diction often leaves a poem open to multiple interpretations. Similarly, metaphor, simile and metonymy create a resonance between otherwise disparate images—a layering of meanings, forming connections previously not perceived. Kindred forms of resonance may exist, between individual verses, in their patterns of rhyme or rhythm. Some forms of poetry are specific to particular cultures and genres, responding to the characteristics of the language in which the poet writes. While readers accustomed to identifying poetry with Dante, Goethe, Mickiewicz and Rumi may think of it as being written in rhyming lines and regular meter, there are traditions, such as those of Du Fu and Beowulf, that use other approaches to achieve rhythm and euphony. Much of modern British and American poetry is to some extent a critique of poetic tradition, playing with and testing (among other things) the principle of euphony itself, to the extent that sometimes it deliberately does not rhyme or keep to set rhythms at all.In today's globalized world, poets often borrow styles, techniques and forms from diverse cultures and languages.。


    China is a country with great history, that is why it is great for people to learn its past. Most of its past can be seen from poems made in the Tang Dynasty. Tang Dynasty was one of the greatest dynasties in the past, and from the poems we can understand more of China's culture.。



    赠 汪 伦

    李 白

    李白乘舟将欲行,忽闻岸上踏歌声。 桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。

    To Wang Lun

    I'm on board; We're about to sail,

    When there's stamping and singing on shore;

    Peach Blossom Pool is a thousand feet deep,

    Yet not so deep, Wang Lun, as your love for me.


    1. 不得照抄短诗原文;

    2. 必须结合短诗的内容,发挥想象, 适当展开;

    3. 必须突出短诗主题,结构完整,语意边贯;

    4. 短文不能写成诗歌形式;

    5. 词数:100左右.

    To Wang Lun is written by Li Bai who among other poets stands out in the halls of glory.

    One day, Li Bai goes on abroad. He is about to sail when there's stamping and singing on shore.

    Oh! Here comes Wang Lun to see him off, who is Li Bai's best friend. Li Bai is very excited to see his best friend at this leaving moment. But he is sad, either. So he can't say a simple sentence. He knows that words can't express their friendship. Although the Peach Blossom Pool is one thousand feet deep, it can't match Wang Lun's love for him.

    I love this poem, because it makes me realize that friendship is valuable and we need true friendship. I hope everyone can find true friends.

    4.介绍中国古诗的英语短文 初中英语作文

    So hard for us to meet, Harder still to part.

    Languid though the east wind, Faded flowers are blown apart.

    The silkworm's silk is exhausted only when its life is spent;

    The candle's tears are dried, When itself to cinder's burnt.


    China ancient times the poetry, generally was called as the old-style poetry, was refers with the writings in classical style and the traditional classical Chinese poetry rules creation poem, generalized China ancient times the poetry, might include each kind of Chinese ancient times the verse like tax, the word, the tune and so on, the narrow sense then only included the ancient-style poetry and the modern style poetry. humanity many nationalities to produce in the language development has suited this national language the poetry form.In China, the earliest poetry total collection is "Poetry", in which earliest poetic composition in the Western Zhou Dynasty initial period, the latest work becomes in the Spring and Autumn Period time middle. To the Warring States time, gradually fused in the south Chu country China race and hundred more race language, its poetry collection "Chu elegies" broke through "Poetry" south some form limit, could manifest the language characteristic. When Han Dynasty's ancient-style poetry Han Dynasty musical conservatory poem formation.The musical conservatory poem is in order to match music to sing, is equal in the present lyrics.This kind of musical conservatory poem is called “the tune”7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333239303832, “the refined language”, “the song”, “the line” and so on.The Three Kingdoms time has absorbed the musical conservatory poem nutrition take the Jianan literature as representative's poetry work, has laid the foundation for an afterwards classical Chinese poetry rules more rigorous modern style poetry. The Tang Song modern style poetry arrived Tang Dynasty, the Chinese poetry appeared four jueju poems and eight Lushi.Lushi detains the even sound, each sentence level and oblique tones, the antithesis all have the stipulation.Jueju poem stipulation slightly pine some. Moreover, in Song Dynasty achieved the crest the word also is the poetry one important form.The word form needs to comply some fixed names of the tunes of cipoetry, is advantageous for matches sings by the music.Later period develops from the Yuan Dynasty starts, the Chinese poetry gold time passes gradually, the literature creation shifts gradually to the drama, the novel and so on other forms.Chinese ancient poetry in the peripheral national influence Chinese poem, in the wording meaning is Chinese poetry.But this concept mainly is uses outside Chinese world.China's some peripheral countries, like North Korea, Japan, Vietnam, because the use Chinese character achievement writes the writing, naturally also deeply Chinese poetry influence.Along with the Buddhism zen in these national spreading, the Chinese poem has become the zen literature most important form.。


    中国梧桐树身很象白杨树,很直(这也是用来做古筝琴身的原因之一),叶片呈三角星状,树干一般不粗.秋天里,叶子变成淡黄色,很富诗意.果实是球状的实心果,直径约4-5毫米,有一层薄薄的壳,可生吃,也可炒来吃,非常香,时令季节时,北京农贸市场有卖,但浪费时间,当然比你们浙江的山核桃好些,有如石榴,石榴真是好看吃起来浪费时间.中国梧桐却不宜遮荫. 而法国梧桐则树干粗大(也不是很粗,比中国梧桐粗),叶片亦呈三角星状,只是大得多.果实非常小,不能吃.叶子在秋天变成褐黄色,肯定没有中国梧桐的叶子好看.树冠很大,且因叶子很大,几乎完全遮住了树冠上面的阳光,所以最是适合做人行道遮荫树.梧桐树[Botany] a Chinese parasol tree。


    To Wang Lun is written by Li Bai who among other poets stands out in the halls of glory.

    One day, Li Bai goes on abroad. He is about to sail when there's stamping and singing on shore.

    Oh! Here comes Wang Lun to see him off, who is Li Bai's best friend. Li Bai is very excited to see his best friend at this leaving moment. But he is sad, either. So he can't say a simple sentence. He knows that words can't express their friendship. Although the Peach Blossom Pool is one thousand feet deep, it can't match Wang Lun's love for him.

    I love this poem, because it makes me realize that friendship is valuable and we need true friendship. I hope everyone can find true friends.


    一、《浣溪沙.一曲新词酒一杯》——宋.晏殊 一曲新词酒一杯, I compose a new song and drink a cup of wine 去年天气旧亭台。

    In the bower of last year when weather is as fine. 夕阳西下几时回。 When will you come back like the sun on the decline? 无可奈何花落去, Deeply I sigh for the fallen flowers in vain. 似曾相识燕归来。

    Vaguely I seem to know the swallows come again. 小园香径独徘徊。 Loitering on the garden path, I alone remain. 二、《蝶恋花.庭院深深深几许》——宋.欧阳修 庭院深深深几许? Deep, deep the courtyard where he is, so deep. 杨柳堆烟, It's veiled by smoke like willows heap on heap. 帘幕无重数。

    By curtain on curtain and screen on screen. 玉勒雕鞍游冶处, Leaving his saddle and bridle, there he has been 楼高不见章台路。 Merry-making, from my tower his trace can't be seen. 雨横风狂三月暮, The third moon now, the wind and rain are raging late; 门掩黄昏, At dusk I bar the gate, 无计留春住。

    But I can't bar in spring. 泪眼问花花不语, My tearful eyes ask flowers, but they fail to bring 乱红飞过秋千去。 An answer. I see red blooms fly over the swing. 扩展资料 《浣溪沙.一曲新词酒一杯》是晏殊词中最为脍炙人口的篇章。


    全词语言圆转流利,通俗晓畅,清丽自然,启人神智,耐人寻味。 词中对宇宙人生的深思,给人以哲理性的启迪和美的艺术享受。



    先声明,不是机译,这都是一些网友翻译的送杜少府之任蜀州 城阙辅三秦, 风烟望五津。

    与君离别意, 同是宦游人。 海内存知己, 天涯若比邻。

    无为在歧路, 儿女共沾巾。FAREWELL TO VICE-PREFECT DU SETTING OUT FOR HIS OFFICIAL POST IN SHU By this wall that surrounds the three Qin districts, Through a mist that makes five rivers one, We bid each other a sad farewell, We two officials going opposite ways…… And yet, while China holds our friendship, And heaven remains our neighbourhood, Why should you linger at the fork of the road, Wiping your eyes like a heart-broken child?鹊桥仙纤云弄巧, 飞星传恨, 银汉迢迢暗度。

    金风玉露一相逢, 便胜却人间无数。 柔情似水, 佳期如梦, 忍顾鹊桥归路. 两情若是久长时, 又岂在朝朝暮暮! Immortal at the Magpie BridgeClouds float like works of art;Stars shoot with grief at heart.Across the Milky Way the Cowherd meets the Maid,When autumn's Golden Wind embraces Dew of Jade,All the love scenes on earth, however many, fade.Their tender love flows like a stream;This happy date seems but a dream.Can they bear a separate homeward way?If love between both sides can last for age,Why need they stay together night and day? 蝶恋花槛菊愁烟兰泣露。



    欲寄彩笺兼尺素,山长水阔知何处!Outside the railings chrysanthemums are sadAnd orchids are shedding tears of dew.The silk curtains hang light and cool,A pair of swallows flying off.The bright moon knows not the sorrowOf departure and solitude,It's slanting rays piercing the vermilion portalsTill dawn breaks.Last night the west wind withered the emerald leaves.Alone,I mounted the stairsTo look down the endless road.I'm ready to send of letters and elegant notes.But the rivers are wide,the mountains so hight,I do not know where to locate you.游子吟A Poem By A Leaving SonA thread is in my fond mother's hand moving.For her son to wear the clothes ere leaving.With her whole heart she's sewing and sewing.For fear I'll e'er be roving and roving.Who says the little soul of grass waving.Could for the warmth repay the sun of spring.梦游天姥吟留别海客谈瀛洲, 烟涛微茫信难求。越人语天姥, 云霓明灭或可睹。

    天姥连天向天横, 势拔五岳掩赤城;天台四万八千丈, 对此欲倒东南倾。我欲因之梦吴越, 一夜飞渡镜湖月。

    湖月照我影, 送我至剡溪;谢公宿处今尚在, 渌水荡漾清猿啼。脚著谢公屐, 身登青云梯。

    半壁见海日, 空中闻天鸡。千岩万壑路不定, 迷花倚石忽已暝。

    熊咆龙吟殷岩泉, 栗深林兮惊层巅。云青青兮欲雨, 水澹澹兮生烟。

    列缺霹雳, 邱峦崩摧,洞天石扇, 訇然中开;青冥浩荡不见底, 日月照耀金银台。霓为衣兮风为马, 云之君兮纷纷而来下;虎鼓瑟兮鸾回车。

    仙之人兮列如麻。忽魂悸以魄动, 怳惊起而长嗟。

    惟觉时之枕席, 失向来之烟霞。世间行乐亦如此, 古来万事东流水。

    别君去兮何时还? 且放白鹿青崖间。须行即骑访名山, 安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜?TIANMU MOUNTAIN ASCENDED IN A DREAMA seafaring visitor will talk about Japan,Which waters and mists conceal beyond approach;But Yueh people talk about Heavenly Mother Mountain,Still seen through its varying deeps of cloud.In a straight line to heaven, its summit enters heaven,Tops the five Holy Peaks, and casts a shadow through ChinaWith the hundred-mile length of the Heavenly Terrace Range,Which, just at this point, begins turning southeast。

    .My heart and my dreams are in Wu and YuehAnd they cross Mirror Lake all night in the moon.And the moon lights my shadowAnd me to Yan River --With the hermitage of Xie still thereAnd the monkeys calling clearly over ripples of green water.I wear his pegged bootsUp a ladder of blue cloud,Sunny ocean half-way,Holy cock-crow in space,Myriad peaks and more valleys and nowhere a road.Flowers lure me, rocks ease me. Day suddenly ends.Bears, dragons, tempestuous on mountain and river,Startle the forest and make the heights tremble.Clouds darken with darkness of rain,Streams pale with pallor of mist.The Gods of Thunder and LightningShatter the whole range.The stone gate breaks asunderVenting in the pit of heaven,An impenetrable shadow。.But now the sun and moon illumine a gold and silver terrace,And, clad in rainbow garments, riding on the wind,Come the queens of all the clouds, descending one by one,With tigers for their lute-players and phoenixes for dancers.Row upon row, like fields of hemp, range the fairy figures.I move, my soul goes flying,I wake with a long sigh,My pillow and my mattingAre the lost clouds I was in。

    .And this is the way it 。


