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    Li Shangyin

    This is a special flower of the Tang Yong. The first written in conjunction with the flower's heart, subtle and intriguing Yun Ji. Maxillary joint from different angles describe Flower "flying" concrete-like situation. Neck joint direct expression of emotion, no longer look forward to spending can not be charged. Joint written at the end of spring flowers to decorate and open, but end up wandering Zhanyi ending. Huai-expressed determination to see the world of emotion and Qi Wan. Filled with a poem Shangchunxihua feeling, emotion, such as Chi, moving euphemism.








    李商隐的这是一首专咏落花的唐诗。首联写落花与人的心情,含蓄蕴籍耐人寻味。颔联从不同角度描写落花“乱飞”的具体情状。颈联直接抒发情感,巴望花不再落而不能。末联写花为装点春天而开,却落得飘零沾衣的结局。表达了素怀壮志,不见用于世的凄婉和感慨。全诗洋溢着伤春惜花之感,情思如痴,委婉动人。 Li Shangyin This is a special flower of the Tang Yong. The first written in conjunction with the flower's heart, subtle and intriguing Yun Ji. Maxillary joint from different angles describe Flower "flying" concrete-like situation. Neck joint direct expression of emotion, no longer look forward to spending can not be charged. Joint written at the end of spring flowers to decorate and open, but end up wandering Zhanyi ending. Huai-expressed determination to see the world of emotion and Qi Wan. Filled with a poem Shangchunxihua feeling, emotion, such as Chi, moving euphemism.

    3.求英文版的唐诗宋词任意哪首都行,及其英文赏析 急

    ·A Note for an Absent Recluse

    When I questioned your pupil, under a pine-tree,

    "My teacher," he answered, "went for herbs,

    But toward which corner of the mountain,

    How can I tell, through all these clouds?"












    ·It's like a range

    when you look at the mountain from the front.

    But it's like a peak

    When you look at it sideways.

    The mountain shows its different features

    In different levels near and far.

    You don't know the real Lushan Mountain,

    Because you are in the mountain yourself.


    落花 李商隐 高阁客竟去,小园花乱飞。





    Li Shangyin This is a special flower of the Tang Yong. The first written in conjunction with the flower's heart, subtle and intriguing Yun Ji. Maxillary joint from different angles describe Flower "flying" concrete-like situation. Neck joint direct expression of emotion, no longer look forward to spending can not be charged. Joint written at the end of spring flowers to decorate and open, but end up wandering Zhanyi ending. Huai-expressed determination to see the world of emotion and Qi Wan. Filled with a poem Shangchunxihua feeling, emotion, such as Chi, moving euphemism。.。

    5.英语诗歌 英文赏析

    There is another sky by Emily DickinsonThere is another sky,Ever serene and fair,And there is another sunshine,Though it be darkness there;Never mind faded forests, Austin,Never mind silent fields -Here is a little forest,Whose leaf is ever green;Here is a brighter garden,Where not a frost has been;In its unfading flowersI hear the bright bee hum:Prithee, my brother,Into my garden come! This poem is meaningful yet simplistic and easy to understand. Literally, Emily Dickinson wrote about a peaceful garden, where there were always warm sunshine, beautiful flowers and evergreen trees; a garden full of bliss. She offered Austin, her elder brother to come into her garden to enjoy the happiness together in the end of the poem.However, in my opinion, Emily Dickinson did not merely write about a beautiful garden in this poem. The peaceful garden here represents a beautiful life that all people are yearning for, totally different from their life with sadness and hopelessness. The poem hence portrays Emily's faith and optimism in the beauty of life.Writing for her brother, Austin, an attorney, Emily might want to show him that although there is always misery and unhappiness in the world, there is beauty as well. Through her words, Emily wanted to turn her brother away from the hectic life he was leading, to escape into a surreal forest of purity. She offered him insight by sharing her optimism, hoping that he would find hope and peace in the future, even in the rough times of his life.The garden in this poem is the symbol of happiness. As Emily Dickinson was a religious and spiritual poet, she might be referring to the Garden of Eden, the garden of bliss. And in the Garden of Eden, unlike in our world, everything is supposed to be perfect. She, as a believer, knew that very well.这个长一点:Walking the Skyby Shari AndrewsOberon Press, 2005Reviewed by Joanna M. WestonMemory and links with the past are Andrews' main concerns. She reflects on the past through the lens of the present and uses the past to illuminate the present. She has a keen appreciation of the minutae of daily life and its relevance to the human psyche. Andrews' prose poems in 'The Hour' tell a straightforward story of an old man's death and funeral woven round his daughter's memories of her family and insights. The language is clear, adding to the working life depicted in the poems. Upstairs, her father lay slack-jawed and dreaming. The mid-afternoon light fell across the bed. The quilts moved gently up and down on his chest. His hair lay in thin white strands against his scalp. His skin was pale as the porcelain teacups hanging from their hooks. (A field she buried her face in, p.32)The dying man is clearly drawn but the last image brings the reader back to the kitchen where the daughter stands. There is a sense of the man having been in the kitchen, having used the porcelain cups, and of having withdrawn from them. Later in the sequence, Andrews depicts the daughter:As she dries the cups, she admires their gilded edges, the part they will play later in the day, her lips sipping on bands of light to hold back the delicate verge of tears. (Morning has spread itself p.35)The daughter's anticipation of the funeral, mixed with grief, is poignantly shown in the simple act of drying the cups. The more complex free verse poems occasionally reveal difficulties with grammar and particularly with commas, which Andrews uses eccentrically and occasionally in ways which cause confusion. Short of getting into a discussion of Lynne Truss' 'Eats, Shoots & Leaves', the meaning of a phrase can be greatly clarified by the use of the humble comma, as 'Her skirt, petals close// around her newborn legs.' (p.12) Do the petals close or is the skirt being likened to petals? Most likely the latter, but a comma would clarify the line. Or 'My arms and legs, lullabies slice the water' (p.11). It must be presumed that the lullabies arenot knives to cut water, but rather the arms and legs resemble lullabies. Again, a comma would eliminate the problem. There are, unfortunately, several other poems where a missing comma muddies the poetry. While Andrews' imagery can be strong, as 'The sky with the sun blazing in it was like his lungs filled with light.' (p.40) even without commas there are times when the grammar is confused and meaning lost.I stride the spinefrom river bank to river bank, a stoneengraving the walls of a cave. (The old train bridge p.16)Either the stone or the poet appears to be carving the cave-walls, but the reference is unclear.If only the rhythm of this seacould calm the distant shores,limbs on the same bodythat refuse 。


    dont know what others think but from my understanding the poem is saying that some think the would will in in "fire"(aka our desires) and some say "ice" (aka hate) but the writer says he "holds with those who favor fire" saying our own desires will lead us to our end, people in this world who want too much power and will ultilmently destroy themselves and us along with them. i dont realy get the "if it had to perish twice" part but he says he knows enough of HATE and our hate for each other will destroy us just as well as desire and it would "suffice". | Posted on 2007-11-07 | by a guest .: :. it appears to me that fire is a representation of the apocalypse and ice is that of industrialization. during the 1920s america was going through a lot as far as industrialized cities and i feel that frost saw a foreshadowing of a capitalized super power ending the world through its own factories. i actually have this topic as my own final paper in order to graduate from college this may. | Posted on 2007-09-01 | by a guest .: spellcheckd :. To me, the world is simple, you go by your wits, use your means, bend the rules, but still be contained by them. I tell you now the world isn't perfect, even on the your most horrible day of your life, your still living arent you? No need for true emos or goths, the world is fine with the pain it has, but pain shouldn't be ignored, it shoud be acknowledged, (misspelled that), use your mistake as guidance, life is as simple or complex as you take it. YOU may go by YOUR means of living it, as long as it doesn't hurt the ones you live with. You play a videogame all day? Your an adult? Who cares? yYou earn your pay and spend your days worth. The pain we cause this world is enough, do not scowl or shun idiocracy, do not be tempted by wrong, follow YOUR spirit. If you believe in a god, go ahead, do not justify your means of spirituality and faith over others though, teach the young, respect the old, and keep the world in a state that humanity can reconize that it made a difference, and see eons later that humanity was nothing with sin, eons into the millenia, we WILL reconize that our feats were not of flaws, humans are the greatest minds in the world, because we chose to excel, use your time, it only effects everyone who lives. My old friend, how have we grown so far apart? All motion is relative, perhaps you have moved away from me by standing still. | Posted on 2007-05-18 | by Free_Soviets。


    钱塘湖春行 唐·白居易 孤山寺北贾亭西,水面初平云脚低。


    【背 景】 白居易是在长庆二年(公元822年)的七月被任命为杭州刺史的,而在宝历元年(公元825年)三月又出任了苏州刺史,所以这首《钱塘湖春行》应当写于长庆三、四年间的春天。这首诗选自《白氏长庆集》卷二十。





    【注 评】 选自《白氏长庆集》。钱塘湖,及杭州西湖。

    白居易(772-846),字乐天,晚年又叫香山居士。太原(现属山西)人 。


















    【诗 意】 从孤山寺的北面到贾亭的西面,湖面春水刚与堤平,白云重重叠叠,同湖面上的波澜连成一片。几处早出的黄莺争着飞向向阳的树木,谁家新来的燕子衔着春泥在筑巢。

    繁多而多彩缤纷的春花渐渐要迷住人的眼睛,浅浅的春草刚刚能够遮没马蹄。我最喜爱西湖东边的美景,欣赏的不够 ,就再去看那绿色杨柳下迷人的白沙堤。

    【赏 析】 《钱塘湖春行》生动的描绘了诗人早春漫步西湖所见的明媚风光,是一首唱给春日良辰和西湖美景的赞歌。诗的首联紧扣题目总写湖水。












    Where a yellow river climbs to the white clouds,

    Near the one city-wall among ten-thousand-foot mountains,

    A Tartar under the willows is lamenting on his flute

    That spring never blows to him through the Jade Pass

    黄河远上白云间, 一片孤城万仞山。

    羌笛何须怨杨柳, 春风不度玉门关。


    Her robe is a cloud, her face a flower;

    Her balcony, glimmering with the bright spring dew,

    Is either the tip of earth's Jade Mountain

    Or a moon- edged roof of paradise.

    云想衣裳花想容, 春风拂槛露华浓。

    若非群玉山头见, 会向瑶台月下逢。


    There's a perfume stealing moist from a shaft of red blossom,

    And a mist, through the heart, from the magical Hill of Wu- -

    The palaces of China have never known such beauty-

    Not even Flying Swallow with all her glittering garments.

    一枝红艳露凝香, 云雨巫山枉断肠。

    借问汉宫谁得似, 可怜飞燕倚新妆。


    Lovely now together, his lady and his flowers

    Lighten for ever the Emperor's eye,

    As he listens to the sighing of the far spring wind

    Where she leans on a railing in the Aloe Pavilion.

    名花倾国两相欢, 常得君王带笑看。

    解释春风无限恨, 沈香亭北倚阑干。


    Covet not a gold-threaded robe,

    Cherish only your young days!

    If a bud open, gather it --

    Lest you but wait for an empty bough.

    劝君莫惜金缕衣, 劝君惜取少年时。

    花开堪折直须折, 莫待无花空折枝。


