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  • 写一首英语诗关于动物的要用上比喻拟人什么的十句以上

    I’ve never known a dog to wag 我从未认识过狗一条

    His tail in glee he did not feel, 感到不开心却将尾巴摇,

    Nor quit his old-time friend to tag 它也不会把老朋友抛

    At some more influential heel. 跟随更有势力者后面跑。

    The yellowest cur I ever knew 那条绝黄野狗我知道

    Was to the boy who loved him true. 只忠诚于爱它的郎年少。

    I’ve never known a dog to show 我从未认识过狗一只

    Half-way devotion to his friend, 只对朋友忠诚半吊子,

    To seek a kinder man to know, 去寻找一位主人更和气,

    Or richer; but unto the end 或更富裕;而却忠诚到底

    The humblest dog I ever knew 最卑微的狗我所认识

    Was to the man that loved him true. 只忠诚于爱它的主子。

    I’ve never known a dog to fake 我从未认识过狗一匹

    Affection for a present gain,假装喜爱眼前的利益,

    A false display of love to make 将虚伪的爱来展示

    Some little favor to attain. 为获得些许恩宠欢喜。

    I’ve never known a Prince or Spot 我从未认识过花斑或王子

    That seemed to be what he was not. 曾经似乎假扮它不是的东西。

    And I have known a dog to bear 我认识过一条狗,

    Starvation’s pangs from day to day, 日日把饥饿痛苦忍受,

    With him who had been glad to share 与那位曾经乐意和它享有

    His bread and meat along the way. 一路上分食他的馒头他的肉。

    No dog, however mean or rude, 没有一条狗,无论多么卑贱粗陋,

    Is guilty of ingratitude. 犯过忘恩负义的罪过。


    The Elephant(大象)

    As an elephant his ivory,

    My mouth holds a precious good.

    Crimson death!...I buy my glory.

    My coin is a gorgeous word.

    The Dove(鸽子)

    Dove,the spirit and the love

    Who engendered Christ above,

    Like you,I love a Marie.

    May she marry me!


