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    fellow students,

    welcome to China, welcome to (city) and welcome to (school)!

    I'm honored to have the oppotunity to be here, to share my ideas with you.

    America is perhaps the most powerful country in the world,and doubtlessly,Americans are now enjoying the most developed living standard in the world. However, the world is full of varity, and there are differnt cultures in the world.

    As is known to all, Americans may be so concentrated in their own view of the world. There is a funny story, what do you call a person that speak 3 languages? a trilinguist. what do you call a person that speak 2 languages?a bilinguist.what do you call a person that speak just one language? an american.It might be exagerating, but it also reflects the fact that americans learn less about the outside world.

    I'm glad that you have move one step forward to see a country outside.During the stay in China, you may find that the impression you had before you come here may soon be faded away.

    Enjoy your stay here and find a true China here.

