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  • 翻译祝福鲁迅

    1.鲁迅 《祝福》 翻译

    I was so silly, really," she Xianglinsao disgraced brightens the eyes, and then said. "I only know that when the snow beast in the rain there is no food to eat, to the village to; I do not know what will be the spring. I opened doors on the early morning together, with small baskets Shing a basket beans, A Mao told us sitting on the threshold to stripping beans. He is a very obedient, I listened to the sentence; He then. I was in the house firewood You meters, the meters under the pot, steam beans. I called A Mao, and should not, I see out, I saw beans spreading in a way that we had not had the A Mao. He is not with other vacation; around to a question, really not. I was annoyed, the central people find out. until the next day to find descendants went to the rain, Chai saw stabbed with a GUI on his make trouble for somebody. Everyone said, worse, if it was a wolf. re-established; he scored lying in grass nest, Stomach gave the five organs have to eat the air, hands still tightly briefcase their plots? small basket. 。

    "She added, however whimper. Sentences can not say a word.。


    "bless" Oh dear,my ma'am!If you were a ma'am from a rich family, what would we were from poor family? What? She has a brother-in-law as well as a wife.If you did not worry him, where should we get lots of money as betrothal gift? What an intelligent and capable her mother-in-law she was!She has a good idea,so ma'am was asked to marry man who was from the mountains.If she married man from the same village,there would not lots of money given to the woman. She got the 8,000 yuan except few women who liked to marry man in the mountains.Now his second son married a girl.It took him only five thousand yuan to marry a girl.There were more than ten thousand yuan left except the cost of wedding.Hi,there,What a good plan!。



    4.鲁迅《祝福》的最佳翻译 就一小段 帮帮吗

    she was not from luzhen. early one winter,when fourth uncle's family wanted a new maid,old Mrs.WEI the go-between brought her along. she had a wihte mourning band round her hair and was wearing a black skirt, blue jacket, and pale green bodice. Her age was about twenty-six, and thought her face was sallow but her cheeks were red。

    5.请教:鲁迅作品《祝福》的英文翻译 谢




    Oh dear,my ma'am!If you were a ma'am from a rich family,

    what would we were from poor family? What? She has a

    brother-in-law as well as a wife.If you did not worry him,

    where should we get lots of money as betrothal gift? What an intelligent and capable her mother-in-law she was!She has a good idea,so ma'am was asked to marry man who was from the mountains.If she married man from the same village,there would not lots of money given to the woman.

    She got the 8,000 yuan except few women who liked to marry man in the mountains.Now his second son married a girl.It took him only five thousand yuan to marry a girl.There were more than ten thousand yuan left except the cost of wedding.Hi,there,What a good plan!



    Oh dear,my ma'am!If you were a ma'am from a rich family,

    what would we were from poor family? What? She has a

    brother-in-law as well as a wife.If you did not worry him,

    where should we get lots of money as betrothal gift? What an intelligent and capable her mother-in-law she was!She has a good idea,so ma'am was asked to marry man who was from the mountains.If she married man from the same village,there would not lots of money given to the woman.

    She got the 8,000 yuan except few women who liked to marry man in the mountains.Now his second son married a girl.It took him only five thousand yuan to marry a girl.There were more than ten thousand yuan left except the cost of wedding.Hi,there,What a good plan!

    7.鲁迅 课文 《祝福》

    鲁迅:《祝福》 旧历的年底毕竟最像年底,村镇上不必说,就在天空中也显出将到新年的气象来。




    但是,谈话是总不投机的了,于是不多久,我便一个人剩在书房里。 第二天我起得很迟,午饭之后,出去看了几个本家和朋友;第三天也照样。





    无论如何、我明天决计要走了。 况且,一直到昨天遇见祥林嫂的事,也就使我不能安住。



    我就站住,豫备她来讨钱。 “你回来了?”她先这样问。

    “是的。” “这正好。


    我万料不到她却说出这样的话来,诧异的站着。 “就是——”她走近两步,放低了声音,极秘密似的切切的说,“一个人死了之后,究竟有没有魂灵的?” 我很悚然,一见她的眼钉着我的,背上也就遭了芒刺一般,比在学校里遇到不及豫防的临时考,教师又偏是站在身旁的时候,惶急得多了。

    对于魂灵的有无,我自己是向来毫不介意的;但在此刻,怎样回答她好呢?我在极短期的踌躇中,想,这里的人照例相信鬼,“然而她,却疑惑了,——或者不如说希望:希望其有,又希望其无……,人何必增添末路的人的苦恼,一为她起见,不如说有罢。 “也许有罢,——我想。”

    我于是吞吞吐虹的说。 “那么,也就有地狱了?” “啊!地狱?”我很吃惊,只得支吾者,“地狱?——论理,就该也有。

    ——然而也未必,……谁来管这等事……。” “那么,死掉的一家的人,都能见面的?” “唉唉,见面不见面呢?……”这时我已知道自己也还是完全一个愚人,什么踌躇,什么计画,都挡不住三句问,我即刻胆怯起来了,便想全翻过先前的话来,“那是,……实在,我说不清……。

    其实,究竟有没有魂灵,我也说不清。” 我乘她不再紧接的问,迈开步便走,勿勿的逃回四叔的家中,心里很觉得不安逸。


    但随后也就自笑,觉得偶尔的事,本没有什么深意义,而我偏要细细推敲,正无怪教育家要说是生着神经病;而况明明说过“说不清”,已经推翻了答话的全局,即使发生什么事,于我也毫无关系了。 “说不清”是一句极有用的话。





