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  • 化身博士谚语

    1. 化身博士里面的好句

    "I feel very strongly about putting questions; it partakes too much of the style of the day of judgment."

    "If I am the chief of sinners, I am the chief of sufferers also."

    "With every day, and from both sides of my intelligence, the moral and the intellectual, I thus drew steadily nearer to the truth, by whose partial discovery I have been doomed to such a dreadful shipwreck: that man is not truly one, but truly two."

    "And this again, that the insurgent horror was knit to him closer than a wife, closer than an eye; lay caged in his flesh, where he heard it mutter and felt it struggle to be born; and at every hour of weakness, and in the confidence of slumber, prevailed against him, and deposed him out of life."


    2. 关于化身博士


    有一天,他和远亲恩菲尔德在街上散步,恩菲尔德指着街边一扇破旧的门说:他注意看这扇门,它在我的记忆中有一个非常离奇的故事。” 他说:“那是一个漆黑的冬夜,凌晨三点左右,我看见一个快步行走的矮个儿男人,迎面撞倒了一个飞跑去请医生的小姑娘,却若无其事地从孩子身上踩过去。






    为了查证,他问杰基尔的朋友拉尼翁医生,却从未听说过这个海德。 他决心追踪这个无踪君子,终于在一个夜晚看见那人。

    当他走近那扇门,正要进去时,厄塔森跨上去招呼他,说自己是杰基尔的老友。 “您见不到杰基尔,他不在家。”

    海德说。 “能否让我一睹尊容?”律师说。

    海德犹豫了一下,转身挑衅地望着厄塔森,问他:“您怎会认识我呢?” “我们有共同的朋友,杰基尔。”律师说。

    “他从来没跟我说过!你撒谎!”海德吼起来,气得脸都胀红了,疯狂大笑,消失在门内。 律师心中疑云密布。


    这个人实在不像有人性,好像有种人猿式的东西在里面。 他径直去见杰基尔博士。


    杰基尔命令仆人们都服从他。 三星期后,杰基尔博士请客,厄塔森lftJ他谈起遗嘱,并说听到一些关于海德的事情。



    不过这是桩我私人的事,我恳求你别再管它。” 他继续说:“我希望你能理解,我对他非常关切。


    “我没法假装说我喜欢这个人!”律师说。 “我没问你喜欢不喜欢。”

    杰基尔恳求说,“我只求你当我去世时,看在我面上帮助他。” 厄塔森忍不住长叹一声说:“好吧,我答应你。”




    他的生活毫无规律,经常不见人影。” 屋内好像才被人匆忙搜寻过的样子。



    律师好奇地环顾这幽暗的不开窗的房子,有一种奇异的感觉,很不是滋味。 他见到病容惨戚的杰基尔,对他说:他听说这事了?你不会疯狂到把这家伙藏起来吧?” 博士嚷道:“我已跟他一刀两断。

    他现在很安全,永远不会再露面了。” 他拿出一封没有信封的信,签名是海德,说自己深蒙思眷,无以报答为憾。

    现在他已决定逃亡,到一个他认为极安全的地方去了。 律师问他,是海德要他在遗嘱里写了关于失踪的条款吗?博士好像一阵眩晕突然发作,两眼紧闭点了点头。

    厄塔森说:“他想杀害你,你算是死里逃生了。” 律师出来时,从浦尔口中查实了,没有人送过信来。









    总有一天,等我死了,你就会知道是非曲直。” 厄塔森回家,写信指责杰基尔和拉尼翁断交。


    3. 《化身博士》的主要内容







    4. 《化身博士》小说优美句子




    4、缺月挂疏桐,漏断人初静。谁见幽人独往来?缥缈孤鸿影。 惊起却回头,有恨无人省。拣尽寒枝不肯栖,寂寞沙洲冷























    5. 化身博士 可以悟出什么



    6. 化身博士讲了什么


    这种貌似荒诞无稽的故事,其实蕴含了最深刻的人性命题:人,到底是黑白分明,一成不变的非善即恶,还是既善亦恶,时善时恶?《化身博士》是史帝文生得意的代表作之一,因为书中人物杰奇和海德善恶截然不同的性格让人印象深刻,后来“Jekyll and Hyde”一词竟成为心理学「双重人格」的代称。另外有同名音乐剧、电影。

    7. 《化身博士》 1 里面的Hyde 海德 的性格是什麽

    Dr. Henry Jekyll / Mr. Edward Hyde

    The dual title character is a doctor who has covered up a secret life full of cruel deeds. He feels as if he is constantly battling within himself between what is good and what is evil, and is pushing away people dear to him. After drinking a potion of his own creation, Jekyll is transformed into the smaller, younger, cruel, remorseless, evil Edward Hyde, representing the hidden side of Dr Jekyll's nature brought to the fore. Dr Jekyll has many friends and has a friendly personality, but as Mr Hyde, he becomes mysterious, violent, and secretive. As time goes by, Mr Hyde grows in power. After taking the potion repetitively, he no longer relies upon it to unleash his inner demon i.e. his alter ego. Eventually, Mr Hyde grows so strong that Dr Jekyll becomes reliant on the potion to remain himself.

    Stevenson never says exactly what Hyde takes pleasure in on his nightly forays, generally saying that it is something of an evil and lustful nature; thus it is in the context of the times, abhorrent to Victorian religious morality. Hyde may have been reveling in activities that were not appropriate to a man of Jekyll's stature, such as engaging with prostitutes or burglary. However, it is Hyde's violent activities that seem to give him the most thrill, driving him to attack and murder Sir Danvers Carew without reason, making him a hunted outlaw throughout England.

    Realizing he will soon be Hyde forever, Jekyll leaves behind a testament; pointing out that while Jekyll often felt like a charlatan, Hyde felt like a "genuine man" years younger and far more energetic than his more "sociable" self. He also states in his final confession that although Hyde knew people recoiled from him, he did not care.

    8. 化身博士英文简介 帮忙翻译

    Dr. Jekyll story protagonist is a knowledgeable, respected celebrity. His extraordinary ability

    , Friendly, respected everywhere. But Dr. Jekyll heart, he thinks the

    Look, they are eager to lurks a fun evil character. Because he is in people's face

    Before maintain a false solemn expression, and he must always hide and suppress their pursuit of pleasure

    Ugly desire. Over time, he became a dual personality people. For this was suppressed

    Wang eventually lead to a terrible metamorphosis, Dr. crime that have adopted the form of venting. He later issued

    Clear seeding chemicals that people use, it will change shape, becoming small and not ugly

    Kan; Along with the physical changes, people's sense of morality will gradually lose the final figure of a devil

    . Whenever Dr. Jekyll pleasure to be tempted, he will be taking a drug, a small ugly

    The Mr. Hyde. An evil forces will control his body, prompted him to go out to have fun, dry

    Do bad things; At home, then serving a syrup, he has become a respectable Dr. Jekyll.

    So he can meet their evil desires can live up to the consequences of any responsibility. Jackie Turbo

    People think that they can be acquired two separate themselves from the mental pain. But people

    Not so long and continue to split this approach is doomed to self-deception ended in failure. Sure enough

    Things that change gradually lose control, Dr. Jekyll can not help that they will become

    Mr. Hyde, but to change back to the original Dr. Jekyll instead of serving a large number of drugs. Finally, drug use

    End doctorate found themselves no longer can not go back to the original themselves only as a great sin of Mr. Hyde


    9. [急]《化身博士》的英文全书概括

    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Short Summary At the book's opening, two men, Mr. Utterson and his cousin Mr. Richard Enfield, are leisurely walking through London. Initially silent, the men pass a mysterious basement cellar door, and Mr. Enfield launches into a story about a strange occurrence related to the door. Late one night, while on his way home, Enfield chanced upon a deformed, short man who trampled a girl in the street on her way to fetch a doctor. The girl's family and Mr. Enfield catch the mysterious man and instead of getting the police, decide to force him to give the girl's family money. Agreeable to this compromise, the mysterious man disappears into the cellar door and returns with a check bearing not his own name, but that of the respectable Dr. Jekyll. Although Enfield assumed the check would be a forgery, it proves to be legitimate. After hearing the story, Utterson returns to his home where he removes his friend and client Dr. Henry Jekyll's mysterious will, which Jekyll recently filed. The will states that in case of Dr. Jekyll's death, his substantial estate will pass to Mr. Edward Hyde, whom Utterson has never met and whom he assumes is the mysterious man in Enfield's story. Even stranger, the will states that in case of Jekyll's disappearance for more than three months, Hyde will assume Jekyll's estate without delay. Utterson also realizes that the mysterious door is connected, in an L shaped way, to Jekyll's home. Utterson concludes that Hyde is blackmailing Jekyll and resolves to seek the man out to understand why. After tracking the man down, Hyde is initially civil but turns angry when Utterson extends the conversation, probing into his relationship with Dr. Jekyll.One year later, Edward Hyde brutally murders Sir Danvers Carew by beating him to death with a cane. With help from Utterson, the police find Hyde's apartment ransacked and all papers burned. After leaving, Utterson proceeds to Jekyll's and confronts him for harboring a murder. Jekyll claims that he is done with Hyde forever and that their relationship is terminated. Jekyll does, however, have a farewell note from Hyde. Utterson examines the note and his clerk, Mr. Guest, later discovers that the handwriting, although slightly altered, matches a dinner invitation written by Dr. Jekyll. Angrily, Utterson assumes that Jekyll has forged a letter for a murderer.More time passes, and we learn that although Hyde has not been located, Dr. Jekyll has become increasingly social, returning to his pre-Hyde days of friendly meetings and intellectual gatherings. One day, Utterson attends a dinner party at Jekyll's home and sees Dr. Lanyon there. Shortly thereafter, Jekyll secludes himself and Dr. Lanyon falls severely ill due to "shock" and dies. After his death, Dr. Lanyon leaves Utterson a letter instructing him only to read it after Dr. Jekyll's death or disappearance. Some time after these mysterious events, Enfield and Utterson again walk by the mysterious door and get a rare glimpse at Dr. Jekyll, who is sitting by a window in the apartment. The men have a brief conversation, but Jekyll abruptly shuts the window as he begins to suffer what appears to be a seizure. Enfield and Utterson are struck by the disturbing appearance of Jekyll's face as he withdraws from view.about a week later, Richard Poole, Jekyll's faithful butler, approaches Utterson. Poole reports that Jekyll has locked himself in his cabinet and strange sounds, including crying and pacing are all that have been emanating from the room. The only communication that Poole has received from Jekyll consists of letters desperately asking for a specific type of medicine. Utterson agrees to assist and follows Poole to Jekyll's house. The two men break down the door to the room where Jekyll has hidden himself. They find Hyde's dead body and assume he committed suicide immediately before they entered the room. They ransack the area looking for Jekyll's body or evidence of his death, but are unsuccessful. In the laboratory, the men discover a large envelope addressed to Mr. Utterson. Inside, Jekyll urges Utterson to read the package from Lanyon and if he wishes to know more, read the further description Jekyll provides within the envelope.Utterson reads Lanyon's narrative. The letter begins with a description of a strange letter Lanyon received from Henry Jekyll, the night after a dinner party at Jekyll's residence. The letter urges Lanyon to go to Jekyll's house and fetch a certain drawer with specific contents from the laboratory. Afterwards, a messenger will come to Lanyon's house in Jekyll's stead to recover these items, which include powder, a phial, and a paper book. 。

